Profile picture for user Eduardo

Martha is not Transcom’s latest employee but a business process automation platform* with a very specific purpose: to improve our candidates’ experience by making the job application process simple, transparent and agile. By integrating several technologies and applications, Martha makes the user experience a single and consistent flow.

For Transcom, the key applications to integrate are Recruitee, our applicant tracking system; Cut-e, our algorithm based system for testing and screening applicants; and Netigate, our surveying tool. Thanks to the extraordinary APIs provided by these three companies, Martha is able to transfer information between them and initiate actions, keeping the complete information in her own database (a Cassandra database).

The role of Martha in the job application process is summarized in the following diagram:

Martha diagram

For the candidate, the communication always happens through the ATS, which ensures a uniform experience. Along the process, the candidate receives emails with links to the different steps. All applications are using the Transcom brand for a consistent look-and-feel.

From the recruiters’ perspective, all the steps managed automatically by Martha are visible in the ATS, so they can at any time check the status of a candidate and also see how they arrived there. It’s important to note that the recruiters always have full control of the process, and can step in at any time. Configuring how Martha should act in a new job requisition is very simple: just by adding tags, the recruiter can define the language to be used or the tests required for the position.

Martha tags

To simplify communication with the candidates, the recruiters set up email templates for Martha in Recruitee. Just following a simple name convention and some placeholders, Martha will be able to use these templates as desired by the recruiters. The e-mail templates are written in an enthusiastic, fun way and always contain a call to action. Applicants that don’t complete their tasks get several automatic reminders. These e-mail templates free up the recruiters’ time so that they can focus on more value adding steps in the recruitment process, such as the phone interview and the open house candidate day.

Martha was designed to be flexible, to allow changes in forms of innovations and further development to be easily implemented. The changes suggested by the recruitment team can be piloted and put into production quickly. This makes Martha very agile and also increases the commitment of the respective recruitment team.

Altogether, Martha ensures an excellent candidate experience as well as a decrease in fall out rate throughout the process, and all of this without human interaction. Early results are showing increased completion rates for the assessment by Cut-e with 10%. The life of Martha has just started, and it looks like she will be a great colleague for the recruiting team.


Eduardo Valdelomar, Head of Financial Systems

Christa BussGlobal Head of Recruitment


*Business Process Automation is, according to Gartner's definition: “the automation of complex business processes and functions beyond conventional data manipulation and record-keeping activities, usually through the use of advanced technologies”

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