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Every year the Lithuanian HR association invites companies to share their best practices for employee motivation, engagement and loyalty that create additional and add significant value to their business. This annual event is a great opportunity to gain insights in the practices that has proven to be successful in other companies as well as share to our own successes at Transcom Lithuania. But– it is also a friendly competition for companies that have developed successful and innovative ways to improve motivation and engagement


This year Transcom Lithuania decided to participate in the contest and tell more about our own successful employer branding initiative that we call Quality Month. Our Annual Quality Month is a great experience for every employee of Transcom that combines a fun and result driven environment with discussions about Transcom’s values. It is a great opportunity to feel the thrilling excitement of competing not only with your friends, but also with co-workers from other projects from all over the country, reaching a higher result. All these activities then culminate in the most popular event of the year –the Quality Month Cup, where each employee has the chance of winning first prize. The winner is usually selected via a vote of a committee made up from local management members. The contest itself differs year by year and this year the theme of the Quality Month was “Transcom World”. We prepared a map with locations of all Transcom sites marked on it and each team was then randomly assigned a Transcom site. Every week teams received points according to how good they did on their KPI targets. Each week the teams also had additional assignments; to create their own contact centre logo, their own mission and vision, to make a regional analysis in terms of the regional call centre market, to prepare a proposal to a potential customer etc. By using their earned points, the teams were able to buy areas of the world map, and “expand their base of clients” or market. The team that had most territory after a month won the campaign.


Outstanding customer experience can only be achieved through engaged and highly motivated employees and Transcom’s Quality Month has a proven track record of getting it done. It is for these particular reasons that our Quality Month was awarded 2nd place in the Lithuanian HR association’s national Best Practice competition! It’s a great pleasure to be noticed and awarded, but most of all we hope that our competitors learned something valuable from us as well, because we found their ideas and practices very useful and inspirational.  It is all about sharing, but it’s also great to deliver an employer branding initiative that is ranked so high!

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