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Chrysta Jun “CJ” Aparicio has been with Transcom for 8 years and 5 months.  One of the pioneering talents of the Iloilo site, she is now an operations supervisor.


Like many others who appreciate and enjoy the various employee benefits at Transcom, such as its health maintenance program,  onsite pharmacy, shuttle service gym, and childcare facility, CJ sees these as a big help for her as a single mother and a great factor that makes her feel at home with the company. It is the care that she feels from the company that made her decide to volunteer to camp onsite and take the role of camping point-of-contact (POC) during the stricter days of community lockdowns in the city.

CJ’s only daughter has her fair share of many memorable experiences in Trancom.  From the first instance of being brought to the site for her first family day experience to being a regular ward in the site’s childcare facility. During the ECQ, CJ needed to bring her daughter to the hospital and for someone who truly loves her daughter but whose resources are just enough, having her child cared for in a private medical facility without having to shell out a large amount of money made her feel very lucky and well-cared for. She sees that the company’s care for her indeed extends to her loved ones.


There is no doubt that her daughter is her gem, but CJ also loves the fact that she has a bigger family at work -- something that she feels along with Transcom’s light and friendly work environment. 

Continue to learn more about CJ’s story as you read through the interview below. You may also watch her T: Stories feature here.


With the build-up of CoVID-19, what steps did Transcom take to make its employees feel safe?

Transcom took  actions right away. There’s a Health Check before you go inside the office, the mandatory wearing of mask and strict implementation of physical distancing. Also, the camp in plan which was shared to us  employees included a  stay in a facility with free food and other benefits. 

After the announcement of ECQ, how soon did Transcom act on the transition of WAH employees?

When ECQ was announced, I can say that Transcom was ready. WAH plans were already in place  and  while working on the process, Transcom offered the skeletal workforce option. 


During the first few days of ECQ, what other things did Transcom implement to help its employees?

Aside from camper benefits, everyone was given their salary in advance to prepare for the lockdown. Those who were not able to work at all were also given grants through the Kaagapay Fund.

Are you satisfied with how Transcom handled its employees during this period?

Yes, I am very satisfied  with how Transcom has been handling the welfare of its employees, up to this day.

What's your usual workday like as a camper?

I would usually begin by checking my emails before the start of shift for any updates from the company. Then, I’ll check my scheduled coaching/meetings and prepare for these. I also saw to it that my team was running their performance and spot the things that we needed to work on and maintain.


What are the advantages now that you are working at home?

I was able to have more quality time with my family. Also, since classes are now online, I can assist and guide my daughter to this new normal, online class.

What do you miss most doing outside?

I miss going out with my family and friends where we eat out and catch up. I also miss watching and attending the events of my daughter. Her modeling, writing and dance competitions, and her tournaments in Karatedo which gave us the chance to travel to places like Bacolod, Cebu, and Ormoc.  

What will you do first after this pandemic is all over?

I will visit my relatives and friends. We have missed a lot of occasions because of being apart. We can only communicate now through video chat and it's really different from physically seeing and hugging them.

What do you look forward to after this event? What are your realizations?  

I am looking forward to each of us being more responsible with our actions, to follow and do what is right  for a better future. I have realized that anything can happen in a nick of time. It may be tough, but we have to be ready and keep our strong faith in God. Always pray -- He sees us and He knows what we are going through and He will protect us.



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