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"It’s never too late for an old dog to learn new tricks… as long as the dog is willing to learn." Being 46 years old, this saying perfectly resonates to Theresa Ordiales who shares her inspiring story of growing and learning as she celebrates her ninth anniversary with Transcom Philippines. Words by Theresa Ordiales.

I think I'm already a bit “over the hill.” But just because I’m old doesn’t mean I should stop learning and doing the things I love. I’m about to celebrate my ninth anniversary with Transcom and I’m proud to say that I have watched the company bloom and grow like how a parent would witness her children grow up and mature.

My life has truly never been the same since I joined the company in 2007. At first, I only considered entering the BPO industry for the sake of paying the bills. I never realized that it will lead to the establishment of my career and the rebirth of my self-esteem.

I was 37 years old then, and just like everyone else, I started taking calls with a handful of jitters and apprehensions. It was like all the negative vibes rolled into one. Fortunately, after the heart-pounding first call, I was able to get a hang of it, and the rest is history.

I never knew I had the confidence to do customer service - talking to customers, addressing their inquiries, explaining theirs bills, and ultimately resolving their issues. I started as an agent in 2007, got promoted as a trainer in 2012, and transitioned as an Organizational Development trainer in April this year. It’s safe to say that Transcom has transformed me and helped me not only discover, but also harness my skills.

I also had my fair share of uncertainties, humiliation, disappointments, and triumphs, but they didn't stop me from achieving my goals. In fact, they motivated me, because I knew that there is always room for improvement, and I had the power to work for it.

The opportunity given to me by Transcom became my life. Never in my wildest imagination have I thought to stay in one company for nine years. I guess Transcom has truly captivated me.

Now in my new role as a trainer under the Organizational Development Team, I am still learning from my peers and mentors - regardless of age.

And with that, I can say that I am aging gracefully….in Transcom.

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