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In an ever more competitive market, adopting advanced relationship strategies with customers represents a differentiating factor and an effective way to create a sustainable, long-term competitive edge. In this scenario, retaining customers is increasingly difficult because they are bombarded daily by often very effective marketing communications. That is why we need to turn to the latest new business models, which are increasingly directed at enhancing the customer experience.

These models involve comprehensive, ongoing support for customers using a “live” User Centered Business Model. This is the reason why live chat functions are very popular by both corporate and e-commerce websites. They make it possible to walk customers and prospects through the purchase process, as well as representing an excellent tool to increase the conversion rate (the percentage of visits that are converted into sales). A live chat solution, in fact, represents the ideal response to the expectations of consumers who, in the first instance, want to receive an immediate answer.

In the framework of the LeonarDo 2.0.14 project, Transcom is developing chat and collaboration tools to provide our clients with the best omni-channel customer engagement solutions. In March 2015, our research team entered the prototype phase of an innovative customer care solution and  now this project has reach an advanced level. One of the main tools developed is a live chat function, because it represents the ideal technical solution to deliver multiple results. What are they?

Increasing the level of customer satisfaction, retention and loyalty. A live chat solution is not only the most effective way to receive online support, but also one of the best channels for instant interaction with the company.
Increasing sales.   Walking customers through the purchase process and providing a rapid response  to reduce the loss rate of “undecided” users establishes a personal relationship between seller and purchaser, as well as offering the  possibility of using the “right” agent to engage the “right” visitor.
Responding to customer management issues (shipment, after-sales service) and developing the relationship with the purchaser to guarantee a pleasant and personalized experience, even after purchases have been closed, using a CRM system.
Reducing service costs.   Interaction by live chat costs less than other channels (telephone and email). The agent spend less time on each individual user interaction and can also manage multiple customers simultaneously (generally 4-5).


Generally speaking, the implementation of a live chat solution simplifies the relationship with customers or prospects, providing personalized, targeted support for a company’s services or products, without requiring customers to leave the web platform. This encourages positive purchase decisions and develops the relationship that the customer/prospect has entered into with the company.

Live chat solutions available on the market provide a multichannel online platform that offers real time web interaction between customers and contact center operators without any special configuration or installation requirements (it is a cloud-based service), as well as the possibility of using a combination of various tools: chat, real-time collaboration including co-browsing and document sharing, VoIP (audio and video), callback and so on. In the test phase, the assistance tools developed by the LeonarDo laboratory are delivering excellent results. Monitoring the services offered to our clients has revealed that the solution significantly improves the customer experience of users who are walked through the entire navigation process.

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