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In this day and age, every business relies to a greater and greater extent on computers to make the wheels turn smoothly - from the spreadsheet you use to create your reports, to the online web conferencing software you use to meet despite being hundreds of miles apart. As with everything that evolved alongside technology, training employees and sharing knowledge has also transformed into something that is no longer bound by what you can physically see, hear or touch.

This is where we come in. When you visit the Intranet for the latest news and updates, when you open your account support guide to help you get through that call, when you learn new knowledge taking one of our online courses, when you marvel at those impressively designed promotional posters, you are looking at the work of an incredibly talented and immensely dedicated group of people. Behind the scenes is a small army of Web Developers, Web Designers and Content Writers who create, maintain and manage practically everything that you see online. Beacons of Knowledge, Crossing Borders One person works on an Online Course, the other developing Support/Troubleshooting Guides and another one posting content on the Intranet.

This is what our typical day-to-day work is like. Our work might seem trivial and mysterious to the outside observer, but our goals are simple and practical: To inspire learning, advance knowledge and foster innovation. It is our goal to give our colleagues the most enjoyable, engaging and dynamic content possible, whenever they need it, wherever they are; activities that would otherwise require thousands of printed documents, frequent inter-site, if not cross-country travel, we bring them to you without you ever needing to leave your computer, reducing our company’s carbon footprint and reducing costs. With our capabilities to provide knowledge and information by using web-based platforms, we have effectively provided our company a powerful weapon to add in its arsenal: The ability to reach out, develop and mold not just future and existing employees but also potential future leaders.

We have broken physical barriers and have crossed oceans to deliver without the inconvenience and costs associated with doing things the traditional way. One Transcom, One Virtual Training Team – Philippines Working independently as individuals, collectively as a Team – this has been my mantra these past couple of months now. Keeping track and on top of things with a workload and challenges comparable to our country’s popular torrential rains is no walk in the park. With the work as diverse and dynamic as ourselves, we can’t hope to accomplish anything if we’re divided. Today we are just right around the corner of closing one of the biggest projects our team has ever handled – creating what is possibly the most comprehensive account-specific knowledge base Transcom has ever seen. This project has helped us understand how important it is for us to work smoothly together and we have grown to realize that working together as one is an essential component of achieving high-quality work. With praises, recognition and appreciation for our work coming from clients, we can proudly say that we are truly and genuinely, One Virtual Training Team.

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