Transcom Valdivia rewards the best

Profile picture for user LeonardoF

The last day of August, Transcom Valdivia organized an activity day for those workers who had performed outstandingly during the first semester. The event took place in the nice village of Futrono, in the Rivers Region, in an environment of vast “Mapuche” territories on the Lake Ranco banks. Located about 100 kilometers from Valdivia, the region is famous for its breathtaking landscapes.

The Wall of Transcom San Fernando

Profile picture for user FidelR

In any business, customer care is one of the "hot spots" of interaction with your target audience. It usually occurs when a customer or potential customer needs to solve a problem or has questions regarding a product or a service. It is usually a critical moment in terms of opportunity and risk; opportunity if we think about building customer loyalty, and risk because the customer might leave if he of she does not find the expected answer.