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This spring, we started delivering a new service in Transcom Atica. Our new client, a global leader in the energy sector, has chosen to outsource its employee care service to Transcom. We believe that this service represents a new growth opportunity for Transcom. Since our client is a multinational company with more than 17,000 employees around the globe, it goes without saying that this is a complex undertaking. Although this project differs in many respects from our core customer care business, Transcom’s service delivery platform and skills are very well suited to adding value to our clients in the employee relations field as well. We have trained agents and put in place the necessary support structure to provide services in three languages to our client’s employees in Spain, Portugal, Brazil and Peru, through a multichannel platform including phone, email, fax and internal mail.

Our Transcom team in full activity

During the first few months of service, Transcom’s team has proven its capacity to add value in employee relations, communicating efficiently with our client’s employees in various countries that differ in terms of legal frameworks and collective agreements. I would like to thank the team and acknowledge the tremendous effort and good work that everyone involved has demonstrated in the implementation of this campaign (Sales, PMO, IT, Operations). Our people have already exceeded our expectations, both when it comes to the high levels of quality achieved and the fast resolution times for our end users.

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