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Access to new means of communication has revolutionized the way businesses interact with customers. From the traditional Facebook, Twitter and Tripadvisor, to the more theme-based Pinterest, Foursquare and Gogobot, consumers are increasingly interested in developing a rapid and loyal relationship with brands that they can influence through their needs and behavior. Therefore, more and more companies turn to these channels and invest a larger portion of their communications budget in them. analytics

It is interesting to analyze a few general trends over the last two years, as described in the survey undertaken by Brent Leary in 2014 - The Social Customer Care Engagement Index:

  1. A growing percentage (34%) of companies has been using social media in their customer service for over two years.
  2. 18% of the companies interviewed say that they manage over 25% of their requests through social media (in 2011 this percentage was 9%)
  3. 45% of the companies interviewed have integrated social care into the traditional customer service process (compared to 36% in 2011).

Based on these figures, it becomes increasingly important for companies to have in-depth knowledge about their customers. The full potential of traditional technologies (web, CRM, multi-channel…) needs to be exploited to develop customer insights through the analytics tools best suited to correctly interpreting consumers’ needs.

Transcom has defined and implemented a clear strategy based on the awareness that the traditional outsourcing model used by contact centers must develop and be innovated. The challenge faced by contact centers is to structure and organize themselves to manage consumers and contacts through multiple channels in an integrated way, exploiting the technology that is ready today to support this change.

Gartner forecasts that non-voice services (web, chat, sms, Twitter, Facebook, …) will surpass the voice channel (telephone) by 2017, with significant growth resulting from the evolution of mobile technology and the diffusion of smartphones. Transcom percentage of non-voice services has grown significantly over the past year, revealing a sharp acceleration of this trend. Transcom is ready to work with companies that intend to offer their consumers a valuable customer experience by endorsing the customer’s multi-channel and social preferences.

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