Listening workshops at Transcom San Fernando improve customer experience

Profile picture for user FidelR

Inspired by the quote “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak, Transcom San Fernando decided to organize “Listening workshops” for our agents. The main purpose with our workshops was to create a training process whereby the team could learn - in a positive and dynamic way - about the mistakes that were made, and how to do better next time.

“Out of the Box Day” empowers team leaders at Transcom Ribeirao

Profile picture for user FernandoO

Team leaders truly play a key role in our organization. They are the ones that have the shortest path to our agents’ minds and hearts. We know that many times, no matter how much agents like communicating, receiving commissions and working for Transcom, it’s their commitment to their team leader that makes them go the extra mile. But the need to motivate team leaders is often forgotten; letting them know that we acknowledge their importance and value their work often “makes the difference”.