Transcom Valdivia recognized for increasing female employment

Profile picture for user LeonardoF

Last June, during the 2013 Work of Women Fair, organized by the SENCE (National Service for Employment) and with the participation of Ms. Viviana Pérez, Director of the SERNAM (National Service for Women), Transcom Valdivia was recognized by leading Chilean authorities for our important contribution to increasing female employment in the region of the Rivers.

Breaking barriers: Transcom incorporates six visually impaired agents in Chile

Profile picture for user MonicaL

Within the framework of the Agora project and in collaboration with local and national Chilean authorities, Transcom has launched the selection, training and incorporation of people with visual impairment in its center in Concepción, Chile. So far, we have hired six blind officers. Currently performing back-office tasks, the new agents are working in an environment suited to their abilities and under the same conditions as their peers.