Martha – improving candidate experience globally

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Martha is not Transcom’s latest employee but a business process automation platform* with a very specific purpose: to improve our candidates’ experience by making the job application process simple, transparent and agile. By integrating several technologies and applications, Martha makes the user experience a single and consistent flow.

Intercompany automation

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In a big international company like Transcom, there is a huge volume of intercompany transactions. These operations have a relevant impact in the accounting, taxes and legal reports in each country. They require clear and detailed rules, which frequently need to be explained to the tax authorities, meaning an important effort in data collection.

Soluciones de Análisis Conversacional

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Un excelente servicio al cliente es sinónimo de la capacidad de comprender e interactuar con los clientes. La utilización inteligente de los datos de interacción es, por lo tanto, más importante que nunca. Como resultado, el análisis conversacional se ha convertido en la solución líder para que las empresas fortalezcan de forma sustancial las perspectivas de sus clientes y descubran nuevas iniciativas de alto impacto para la mejora del servicio.

Transcom's Conversational Analytics solutions

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Outstanding customer service is synonymous with the ability to understand and interact with customers. Clever utilization of interaction data is therefore becoming more important than ever. As a result, conversational analytics has emerged as the leading solution for businesses to substantially strengthen their customer insights and discover new high impact initiatives for service improvements. Transcom’s conversational analytics offering aims to support customer service providers on their digital journey; securing quick benefit realization from new disruptive technologies.

El chat en la atención al cliente

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Estamos presenciando el surgimiento de un mundo digital liderado por la generación de los  llamados "millenials", la generación con más cultura tecnológica de la historia. La creciente dependencia de los canales digitales, la hiperconectividad y el uso de dispositivos móviles impulsan la adopción de herramientas digitales en la atención al cliente y por ello las empresas necesitan ofrecer a sus clientes una experiencia omnicanal.

Transcom’s Live Chat solutions

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There has never been a more exciting time to be working with customer experience. We are witnessing the rise of a digital world led by millennials; the most educated, affluent, assertive, and IT literate generation in history. An increasing reliance on digital channels, hyper-connectivity and use of mobile devices are all driving the adoption of digital tools within customer support. Companies need to offer their customer an omnichannel experience.

Fundaments of Virtual Agents

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Virtual Agents in Customer Service

Transcom recently announced a partnership with Creative Virtual, a company specialized in self-service customer experience management solutions. One of the objectives of this cooperation is to reinforce the Transcom’s offer in virtual agents and chatbots, combining the Creative Virtual’s portfolio, with the wide experience of Transcom in customer experience.

Soluciones RPA de Transcom

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La transformación digital encabeza la agenda corporativa. El hardware y los ordenadores son cada vez más rápidos y más económicos, mientras que el software se vuelve significativamente más sofisticado. Estos factores están creando nuevas oportunidades para introducir un equipo de trabajo digital. Robotic Process Automation, RPA, es un sistema para automatizar tareas repetitivas imitando el comportamiento humano con mayor calidad.

Transcom's Robotic Process Automation solutions

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Digital transformation is heading the corporate agenda. Hardware and computers are becoming faster and less expensive while software becomes significantly more sophisticated. These factors are creating exciting opportunities to introduce a digital workforce. Robotic Process Automation, RPA, is a system to automate repetitive tasks by mimicking human behavior with increased quality. RPA is deployed on top of current IT systems and uses the same user interface as humans do, making RPA non-intrusive and thus there is typically no need for integration to other systems.

Agentes virtuales, soluciones para nuevos retos

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Como especialistas en experiencia de cliente, en Transcom buscamos constantemente nuevas formas de ayudar a nuestros clientes a mejorar la satisfacción del cliente final y aumentar su fidelidad. Uno de los elementos clave para ello es reducir el esfuerzo que realiza un usuario a la hora de buscar ayuda. Transcom lo ha hecho aún más fácil pudiendo complementar los equipos de servicio al cliente con agentes virtuales mediante el desarrollo de soluciones a medida.