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At Transcom Sevilla we are sales specialists and we have a vast experience in generating business for our customers. Spanning a wide array of sectors, we have developed campaigns of different sizes for various products, continuously perfecting our performance. We know that our greatest contribution to the success of any campaign is to build strong and prepared teams, for as the old saying goes: A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Transcom Sevilla Platform

Outbound services, sales, operations

  Therefore, we consider the human factor to be the key lever in outbound campaigns, helping to differentiate us from our competitors. As a way to perfecting our productivity and deepening our partnership with our customers, we are continuously working on improving our employees’ performance. Taking this into account let me explain the five key elements we focus on:  

Key factors in ales campaigns


1.    Team building The best project is nothing if it lacks of a good foundation. We must work very close with HR department -as they are responsible for all recruitment-, and that plays a decisive role in a campaign’s success. Information is power, and we need to be able to convey the essence of the campaign and the operation, as well as our customer’s requirements, if we want to take the first step towards success. Also, to create good teams you need to know your employees. Knowing your team’s strengths and weaknesses will help you to assign each agent to the best location. We should not be afraid of change or of adapting the profiles we have, to the services we have to deliver.

2.    Follow-up Once we have built a strong team, it's time to do the training. We have an excellent trainers’ team, whom are not only very good at communicating, but also possess a deep knowledge of sales challenges. This will permit them to empathize with the agents and provide them with a greater degree of experience in the whole sales process. When possible, we must also reinforce the campaign launch with the cooperation of veteran agents that will work side-by-side with new agents. They’ll then play a double role: On one hand, their support will help to accelerate the learning curve; on the other, they’ll act as a reference for the new hired staff. 3.    Setting goals To be able to measure the success of any campaign, it is essential to set specific goals -achievable yet ambitious-, and to count on the whole team’s commitment to achieve them. That is why it is important to establish ongoing communication channels that allow bi-directional flow of information: from the team leader to the agents and vice verse. Thus, it is important to have individuals and team performance reports, in order to give each team member a clear outlook on their contribution to the overall objective. It is also important to involve the whole team in the campaign strategies. We must not forget that the qualitative feedback they can facilitate us will reinforce the quantitative information we gather from the analysis conducted in a service.

4.    Results’ analysis In order to lead his or her team successfully, the analysis from the previous day’s results is one of the most powerful tool the team leaders have. Learning from what worked (and what didn’t) during the previous day in a campaign, can be instrumental to reacting effectively in real time, keeping track if the results have been positive or setting some new strategies to minimize negative gaps. Therefore, the contribution of team leaders to the team is essential to achieve success. Thanks to their proximity to the agents, the team leaders are the first to detect possible deviations from the campaign’s goals, and must be able to operate the different levers at their disposal to help their team to overcome obstacles.

5.    Motivation Outbound sales campaigns can be very stressful. Each single day the agent faces the challenge to reach a goal that in certain situations is likely to cause stress. That is why it is very important to maintain a good working environment in sales platforms. This will increase the agents work satisfaction and therefore his/her empathy and productivity. To achieve this, we must be proactive in everything regarding the motivational field, creating activities that promote friendship and teamwork that have a social impact through the platform. At Transcom we are convinced that all the efforts we put in to each of these mentioned areas will result in improved performance, and thus, increased productivity. This is a decisive factor against our current competitors.

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