Removing the fear of closing a sale

Profile picture for user CesarM

The moment of truth of any sales services is when the agent has to make the final question and ask for confirmation to close the deal. But it is also a loaded moment for most of the agents that may experience what we call: fear of closing. Experience tells us that we can only influence around a 50 to 55% of the persons we contact during our workday. Although we would like that all these individuals accepted our offer or product, we know that this is not at realistic target.

How Transcom Sevilla uses sport as a motivational and performance improvement tool

Profile picture for user CesarM

At Transcom we know that one of the key success factors in our business is our adaptability. That is why we at Transcom Sevilla strive to differentiate ourselves from our competitors by having well-trained sales teams, with the ability to sell any product, from insurance, up to banking, telecommunications, leisure, etc... It helps us to get the best results for our clients. For any outbound team, to reach sales targets is essential for the success of the service; however, it is not easy to achieve high performance.

The voice is the first telemarketing tool

Profile picture for user CesarM

Some people perceive telemarketing as an annoying sales technique. To them it’s nothing but a non-requested call made from a contact center in order to sell a product in an unexpected moment to an unknown customer.  In fact, it is commonly accepted that telemarketers mechanically read a script to offer a particular product. But I want to talk about our outbound business from the Transcom perspective. We follow a non-intrusive, well-structured strategy, and we handle each call with the utmost respect for the consumer.

Five key elements of a successful sales campaign

Profile picture for user CesarM

At Transcom Sevilla we are sales specialists and we have a vast experience in generating business for our customers. Spanning a wide array of sectors, we have developed campaigns of different sizes for various products, continuously perfecting our performance. We know that our greatest contribution to the success of any campaign is to build strong and prepared teams, for as the old saying goes: A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

How to grow and ensure results in big sales campaigns

Profile picture for user CesarM

Big sales campaigns with an exponential growth in an already large number of agents tend to represent a huge challenge in terms of maintaining stable results due to the increase of turnover rates, which in turn impacts the final service’s outcome. Therefore it is necessary to strengthen all the variables that affect both our agents’ performance and the consolidation of their achievements in order to minimize their impact on the campaign’s results. These have been some of the challenges that Transcom Sevilla has faced  recently, with the growth of one of our clients.

Refining the recruitment process in Transcom Sevilla

Profile picture for user CesarM

Each day, society is becoming more and more digitized and therefore customers, thanks to new technologies, have immediate access to different online information channels. This means that it is increasingly difficult to close a sale on the first contact with a customer. The contacted person will most likely compare the information received by phone with information from other sources. This increases the probability that, eventually, the customer will end up purchasing the offered product via one of the other channels.