Blend Customer Feedback with Operational Data to create a goldmine of Insight!
How do customers usually give feedback? How do we know that they are satisfied and they have had a great experience?
Reimagining retail for the post-pandemic business environment?

E-commerce saw rapid growth during the Covid-19 pandemic. In most countries all non-essential retail was closed for most of 2020, forcing customers to shop online. Many customers had a positive experience, even if they were not familiar with e-commerce before the pandemic.
How Macy’s can plan for post-Covid retail success in 2021

Every December, around 250,000 people visit Macy’s in New York just to meet Santa Claus. They request presents and the children try to convince him that they are worthy of a visit on the evening of December 24th.
Where does the customer stand in the new normal?

Analysts and management consultants are calling the post-crisis period after the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic a ‘New Normal.’ It’s when companies will start making an attempt to return to normal, but with a change in consumer behavior, everyone needs to plan for a new definition of how normal looks.
How will COVID-19 change contact center strategy?

In my last blog I argued that we are not about to witness the death of the contact center because of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Customer service strategy and how contact centers operate will certainly change, but we will still see companies using contact centers to deliver customer experience - as a part of the wider solution.
Are large contact centers a thing of the past?

As the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic continues to sweep the world there are dramatic changes taking place at contact centers. Almost every customer experience (CX) specialist, including Transcom, has been moving agents to work from home.