Transcom Estonia celebrates Diversity Day

Profile picture for user MargitF

On the 15th of April,  Estonia celebrated Diversity Day. On that day, we recognize and honor the importance and singularity of every person in businesses, organizations, and the society as a whole. Diversity is innate to nature and to people – it makes the world more exciting. There are people around us who are not the same as us; nevertheless, we all are equally important and needed.

Transcom Barrie in Canada supports the Big Bike ride for Heart & Stroke

Profile picture for user BobM

In May, the Transcom team in Barrie (Ontario, Canada) took part in their 4th Big Bike ride for Heart & Stroke, raising a grand total of $1985.00 for a very worthy cause. The Big Bike is a team event geared towards community organizations, companies, and groups. Our 30-seat Big Bike was piloted by a driver from the Heart & Stroke foundation, and powered by 29 enthusiastic riders from Transcom.

Five key elements of a successful sales campaign

Profile picture for user CesarM

At Transcom Sevilla we are sales specialists and we have a vast experience in generating business for our customers. Spanning a wide array of sectors, we have developed campaigns of different sizes for various products, continuously perfecting our performance. We know that our greatest contribution to the success of any campaign is to build strong and prepared teams, for as the old saying goes: A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Transcom Lima celebrates its 2nd anniversary!

Profile picture for user AlanG

Two years have passed since we started our operations here in Lima. During this time we have enjoyed learning experiences that have helped us to support the teams’ growth and consolidation. We know that our journey has just begun, and that we’ve got a long road ahead of us, but we are optimistic since growth in recent months has become increasingly apparent. During the last weekend in November, we organized an activity to celebrate our anniversary, in which all the Lima staff participated. The day started early creating teams to compete in various activities throughout the day.

Building effective teams at Transcom Isla Sicilia

Profile picture for user AgustinR

The importance of the employees to any company's success is something that is indisputable. Having teams of motivated and conscientious people is absolutely key to achieving the goals in each of our client projects. The maturity of our employees, their ability to deal with the daily challenges and their attitude toward life and work are aspects that we have decided to address within our training programs at Transcom Isla Sicilia.

Transcom Poland helps children get ready to go back to school

Profile picture for user JolantaB

The Transcom Team in Poland recently organized a charity event and collected school supplies for the ARKA Association, which helps children and families. Transcom has been cooperating with this association for a few years, helping them through organizing collections. Usually we collect toys, clothes, books, candies, etc for children who have a very difficult situation at home. After school, they spend a lot of time in the Arka Home, where they can do homework with volunteers and teachers.

Two Wheels – One Transcom!

Profile picture for user EimantasL

It’s becoming a great tradition at Transcom Vilnius to participate in the annual bicycle marathon – “Velomaratonas” – which is the largest cycling event in Lithuania.

Cycling is becoming more and more popular in Vilnius – thus this is a great way to get into the Transcom team spirit, get some exercise and get together with your colleagues outside of the office surroundings – while helping to promote this environmentally friendly mode of transportation in our city.

Congratulations TSK!

Profile picture for user SannaT

If we continue talking about team spirit and how to build it, we have yet another good idea! Three guys from Transcom here in Eskilstuna have started a sports club, TSK. All employees are welcome to be members and there will be lots of different activities. Something for everyone. If you think about it, it’s really a great idea! People get to know each other better and we all need some exercise now and then! One of the activities is football. They set up a team and joined a local football cup and played their first game yesterday! As you can guess from the subject, they won!

Bruises and laughter

Profile picture for user SannaT

So, did we find the Team Spirit? Honestly, I think we did! We had an amazing day at Boda Borg and everyone was all cheerful and excited. It was the perfect way to get to know each other better! For those of you who don’t know what Boda Borg is, it’s a big house with different quests. Each quest contains 3-6 different challenges/rooms and you have to figure out how to solve it and get a stamp in the end.