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On the 15th of April,  Estonia celebrated Diversity Day. On that day, we recognize and honor the importance and singularity of every person in businesses, organizations, and the society as a whole. Diversity is innate to nature and to people – it makes the world more exciting. There are people around us who are not the same as us; nevertheless, we all are equally important and needed.

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Equality and Diversity is also one of three prioritized focus areas in Transcom’s CSR progam Transcom Cares  and we are very proud to say that our employees in Transcom Estonia are highly diverse in many aspects:

  • The age of our colleagues ranges between 19 and 67
  • 20% are males and 80% females
  • They come from about a dozen different nationalities, communicating in different languages.

During the course of numerous interviews we carried out with the motive of the Diversity Day, several of our co-workers described their thoughts and experiences about working with colleagues from different backgrounds and cultures. One common observation stood out from their experiences: that even if we may be very different in appearance, we are not so different as colleagues. As a colleague, you are valued by your attitude, knowledge and friendliness.

The theories of information and decision-making support the argument that diverse teams are more creative in problem-solving, while they are also more innovative. This is because persons with different backgrounds can see the problems from different angles, and thus lead to more creative and productive solutions and ideas.

In its continued effort to encourage and promote diversity, Transcom Estonia is pleased to announce that we have become a signatory of the ‘Diversity Charter’. This is a voluntary commitment, open to companies and institutions both in the private and public sector that value an environment free of discrimination, and have made a decision to work towards fostering diversity. The Diversity Day was a joint initiative by the Estonian Human Rights Centre; Tallinn Technology University’s project “Diversity Enriches”; and the Estonian Diversity Charter. Diversity enriches!

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