Here is work!

Profile picture for user Isabel

As President of the Spanish Contact Center Association (ACE) and Regional Manager of Transcom's Iberia & Latam Region, I was interviewed for a TV program about work - ‘Here's work’- broadcast on public television. This gave us the opportunity to help give visibility to a sector that in Spain alone employs more than 76,000 people. The reporters visited some of the Association’s partners’ platforms and also visited Transcom for a short interview.

Why our clients outsource

Profile picture for user Isabel

Several independent consultants, such as Gartner and KPMG, have recently highlighted the value of outsourcing business services. In our market, the secret of success is to ensure that every possible customer interaction is addressed to strengthen the relationship with the brand and generate purchase decisions. At Transcom, we have a team of experts that support companies in various industry sectors, taking into account the product, the service, and the customer experience.

Transcom Poland to become a new multi-language hub

Profile picture for user MarekS

In the last few years, Poland has become a promised land for many companies whose core business is based on knowledge and business processing operations. For those who have at least basic information on the country, this has come as no real surprise. Not only does Poland lie in the heart of Europe, close to key markets such as Germany and France, but it also offers access to highly educated and skilful employees. With its booming economy and policy of supporting foreign investors, Poland can proudly say that it is among the world’s most promising markets for the outsourcing industry.

Transcom Portugal: Strengthening relationships while embracing new business approaches

Profile picture for user FernandoO

Transcom Portugal has supported clients in the energy market for quite a while now, providing services ranging from commercial lines to back office support. Since its entry into this extremely competitive industry, one of our clients has managed to grow consistently, reaching 10% market share in a few months. Our client’s business strategy is based not only on offering an alternative to the traditional providers, with a fast response time to customers’ requests and demands, but also on the quality of its customer service. This is where Transcom came in one year ago.

The Wall of Transcom San Fernando

Profile picture for user FidelR

In any business, customer care is one of the "hot spots" of interaction with your target audience. It usually occurs when a customer or potential customer needs to solve a problem or has questions regarding a product or a service. It is usually a critical moment in terms of opportunity and risk; opportunity if we think about building customer loyalty, and risk because the customer might leave if he of she does not find the expected answer.