Transcom successfully handles peak traffic in 11 countries for an international client

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Flexibility, scalability and technology at our clients’ service

Not so long ago, one of our clients, a leading manufacturer of household appliances, asked us to submit a proposal to manage a peak in customer care traffic for several weeks in 11 European countries. The client in question had to recall and replace a defective product of which about 10,000 had been sold throughout Europe.

Transcom en el Día Mundial de la Calidad

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Un año más, he tenido la oportunidad de participar en el Día Mundial de la Calidad, en el evento organizado por la Asociación Española para la Calidad (AEC) el pasado 10 de noviembre.

El eje principal de la jornada, que contó con la asistencia de más de 400 directivos de grandes compañías nacionales y multinacionales, se centró en el lema “La Calidad Transforma” y se dividió en dos grandes bloques temáticos: “La Calidad actúa y Transforma” y “La Calidad más innovadora y experiencial”.

Transcom recibe dos galardones en los Premios CRC Oro

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Transcom ha sido premiada un año más en una de las galas más relevantes de la industria de los Centros de Relación con Cliente, la Gala de entrega de los Premios CRC OroLa compañía ha sido reconocida con el Premio CRC Oro al Mejor Servicio de Recobro por el servicio que presta al Banco Santander y con el Premio CRC Oro Especial a la Mejor Gestión de Calidad

Transcom adds new client in the white goods sector

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Another white goods client was recently added to the Transcom portfolio. The Chinese multinational in question, a global leader in the consumer electronics and white goods sector, designs, develops, produces and markets many different items, including air-conditioners, smartphones, computers, microwave ovens, washing machines, refrigerators and TVs. Various major brands in the consumer electronics and durable goods segments have already entrusted their customer care and technical assistance services to Transcom in various parts of the world.

Transcom joining the IACCM's EMEA Annual Forum 2016

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Together with Martín Sarasúa, I had the pleasure of joining the Annual EMEA Conference organized by the International Association for Contract and Commercial Management (IACCM), which was held in Rome on May 9-11. The title of the event this year was "The Year of Transformation: Maximizing Value through Collaborative and Agile Relationships".

Transcom Poland awarded Outsourcing Star 2015 as best provider of Contact Center services

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We are very proud to announce that Transcom Poland is the winner of the OUTSOURCING STARS 2015 competition as best Call/Contact Center!  The Outsourcing Stars Gala is the only non-commercial outsourcing event organized in Poland.

Transcom presente en la Feria Internacional CCW

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Recientemente ha tenido lugar en Berlín, la feria internacional CCW del sector de Contact Center en Europa, en la que Transcom ha estado presente un año más. El evento, que incluye área de exposición y zona de conferencias, celebraba este año su 18ª edición y atrajo a más de 7.800 visitantes, incluyendo directivos de empresas clientes, outsourcers y proveedores de servicios tecnológicos.

Transcom demonstrates its global expertise to the German market

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At the end of February 2016 the CCW fair took place at Berlin’s Estrel Convention Center. The CCW is Europe’s leading industry event for call center management as it offers a unique combination of conference and trade fair. This year’s 18th edition attracted over 7,800 visitors including board members and decision makers of in-house call centers, service providers and call center subcontractors.

The Italian National Institute of Statistics assigns its customer care services to Transcom

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The Italian National Institute of Statistics is a public research organization that produces and communicates high-quality statistical information, analytical studies and forecasts for the community. It has a mission to develop in-depth knowledge of Italy’s environmental, economic and social dimensions at various levels of geographical detail and to assist all members of society (citizens, administrators, etc.) in their decision-making processes. The Institute is a member of the European Statistical System and works with other organizations within the international statistical system.