New ways to get closer to our client
Over the past years, Transcom Isla Sicilia has been practicing an interesting and fun activity with our main client on a regular basis: each month we play sports! The sports activities help us to strengthen relationships between the Transcom staff - including supervisors, coordinators, quality staff and agents- while facing their direct counterparts on the client end.
Densidad digital y experiencia de cliente
En los días que vivimos, ya bien entrado el siglo XXI, podemos afirmar sin temor a equivocarnos que Internet ha cambiado, de una vez y para siempre, algunas de nuestras costumbres. Según el Informe 2013 sobre el desarrollo de la sociedad de la información en España de la Fundación Orange, durante el año pasado, dos de cada tres ciudadanos redujo el tiempo destinado a ver televisión para estar conectado.
Densidad digital y experiencia de cliente
En los días que vivimos, ya bien entrado el siglo XXI, podemos afirmar sin temor a equivocarnos que Internet ha cambiado, de una vez y para siempre, algunas de nuestras costumbres. Según el Informe 2013 sobre el desarrollo de la sociedad de la información en España de la Fundación Orange, durante el año pasado, dos de cada tres ciudadanos redujo el tiempo destinado a ver televisión para estar conectado.
Shortening the learning curve
In times when our clients are looking for ways to reduce their costs, and we -as providers- are looking for ways to promote growth in our centers, can these two demands ever be achieved for both parties? Yes, they can.
Why our clients outsource
Several independent consultants, such as Gartner and KPMG, have recently highlighted the value of outsourcing business services. In our market, the secret of success is to ensure that every possible customer interaction is addressed to strengthen the relationship with the brand and generate purchase decisions. At Transcom, we have a team of experts that support companies in various industry sectors, taking into account the product, the service, and the customer experience.
The Telco industry evolution in Europe: challenges and opportunities
In a recent interview, Paolo Bertoluzzo, Chief Executive Officer at Vodafone Italy and South Europe, stated that "there are 30 different telecommunications providers in 27 countries in Europe, while only 4 providers serve almost the same number of users in the United States.
Around the globe
Working for an international organization is a great privilege. When I joined Transcom in 2010, I was quickly made aware of the scale and worldwide nature of my new employer. Soon I understood why it’s so important to be comfortable communicating in English, if you want to work here at Transcom. Not only do we have support departments localized all over the globe; sharing knowledge goes beyond national levels. I myself learned a lot when I visited my colleagues in Fredrikstad, Norway, about a year ago.
Two Wheels – One Transcom!
It’s becoming a great tradition at Transcom Vilnius to participate in the annual bicycle marathon – “Velomaratonas” – which is the largest cycling event in Lithuania.
Cycling is becoming more and more popular in Vilnius – thus this is a great way to get into the Transcom team spirit, get some exercise and get together with your colleagues outside of the office surroundings – while helping to promote this environmentally friendly mode of transportation in our city.