How Transcom Sevilla uses sport as a motivational and performance improvement tool

Profile picture for user CesarM

At Transcom we know that one of the key success factors in our business is our adaptability. That is why we at Transcom Sevilla strive to differentiate ourselves from our competitors by having well-trained sales teams, with the ability to sell any product, from insurance, up to banking, telecommunications, leisure, etc... It helps us to get the best results for our clients. For any outbound team, to reach sales targets is essential for the success of the service; however, it is not easy to achieve high performance.

How to transform an inbound support service from a cost into a profit generator

Profile picture for user FernandoO

About 18 months ago, one of our clients launched a new inbound service, designed to handle technical support. As in most of the support services we handle for this client, this project included no profitable activity. But Transcom’s extensive experience in developing and launching sales services within a short timeline allowed us, after four months of starting the initial project, to begin working together in analyzing the service cost from our partner’s point of view.

Delivering the best customer experience through social media channels

Profile picture for user AgustinR

At Transcom Isla Sicilia in Spain, our social media customer service team just celebrated its second anniversary. The department’s main priority is to monitor and address all queries and mentions regarding our clients that customers communicate on platforms as Twitter and Facebook. We interact with the active social media users which submit all kind of questions: ranging from queries about products and services, to specific suggestions or claims to which we offer personalized attention. The priority is to listen to the users, help them, and build a trustworthy relationship.

The voice is the first telemarketing tool

Profile picture for user CesarM

Some people perceive telemarketing as an annoying sales technique. To them it’s nothing but a non-requested call made from a contact center in order to sell a product in an unexpected moment to an unknown customer.  In fact, it is commonly accepted that telemarketers mechanically read a script to offer a particular product. But I want to talk about our outbound business from the Transcom perspective. We follow a non-intrusive, well-structured strategy, and we handle each call with the utmost respect for the consumer.

Listening workshops at Transcom San Fernando improve customer experience

Profile picture for user FidelR

Inspired by the quote “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak, Transcom San Fernando decided to organize “Listening workshops” for our agents. The main purpose with our workshops was to create a training process whereby the team could learn - in a positive and dynamic way - about the mistakes that were made, and how to do better next time.

Transcom Lima is growing

Profile picture for user AlanG

Since December 2013, our site in Lima has experienced an increase in operations via new outbound services to clients in sectors such as telecom, insurance, NGOs and entertainment. This growth creates a challenge in terms of recruiting experienced people, while at the same time strengthening our partnership with our clients. To meet this challenge successfully, all key functions at the site must be involved: First we have the recruiting process, which consists of two pillars:

“Out of the Box Day” empowers team leaders at Transcom Ribeirao

Profile picture for user FernandoO

Team leaders truly play a key role in our organization. They are the ones that have the shortest path to our agents’ minds and hearts. We know that many times, no matter how much agents like communicating, receiving commissions and working for Transcom, it’s their commitment to their team leader that makes them go the extra mile. But the need to motivate team leaders is often forgotten; letting them know that we acknowledge their importance and value their work often “makes the difference”.

Transcom Sevilla invited client to celebrate the success of 2013

Profile picture for user CesarM

On February 4th, Transcom Sevilla held a workshop with one of our clients. The client sells leisure products, and insurance and legal advice to its banking and telecommunications partners' customers. The purpose of the meeting was to analyze the Q4 2013 results and review our client’s exponential growth during the past year. Throughout 2013 we conducted more than 1,500 recruiting interviews, delivered 150 initial training sessions and reached the figure of 300 sales agents for this client, doubling the volume achieved in 2012.