Adding value in employee care service
Twelve years ago, in Transcom Isla Sicilia we launched a service to support of our client's employees in all HR related questions. The client is one of the largest global financial institutions. Before Transcom's involvement our client's employees had direct contact with their HR department. Now they need to call us with all their inquiries.
Delivering the best customer experience through social media channels
At Transcom Isla Sicilia in Spain, our social media customer service team just celebrated its second anniversary. The department’s main priority is to monitor and address all queries and mentions regarding our clients that customers communicate on platforms as Twitter and Facebook. We interact with the active social media users which submit all kind of questions: ranging from queries about products and services, to specific suggestions or claims to which we offer personalized attention. The priority is to listen to the users, help them, and build a trustworthy relationship.
Transcom employee nominated to the Fortius Awards in Spain
On the 30th of January, the Fortius Awards Gala was held in Madrid. The event is organized by the Spanish Association of Experts in Customer Relations (AEERC) and awards the best profiles within the call center industry in Spain.
New ways to get closer to our client
Over the past years, Transcom Isla Sicilia has been practicing an interesting and fun activity with our main client on a regular basis: each month we play sports! The sports activities help us to strengthen relationships between the Transcom staff - including supervisors, coordinators, quality staff and agents- while facing their direct counterparts on the client end.
Building effective teams at Transcom Isla Sicilia
The importance of the employees to any company's success is something that is indisputable. Having teams of motivated and conscientious people is absolutely key to achieving the goals in each of our client projects. The maturity of our employees, their ability to deal with the daily challenges and their attitude toward life and work are aspects that we have decided to address within our training programs at Transcom Isla Sicilia.