The natural art of selling

Profile picture for user FidelR

The human being, like many other animals show daily in nature, has a great commercial potential. Thus, some species of birds evolved to have bright colors to help them find a mate; some primates beat their chests to instill fear in their rivals, and other species, when feeling threatened, triple their size to intimidate their enemies. The animals, in their natural state, "sell" themselves. In humans, in addition, we must consider the social aspect. The human being is born, then grows and develops their emotional connections with their peers, looking for affection and acceptance.

Listening workshops at Transcom San Fernando improve customer experience

Profile picture for user FidelR

Inspired by the quote “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak, Transcom San Fernando decided to organize “Listening workshops” for our agents. The main purpose with our workshops was to create a training process whereby the team could learn - in a positive and dynamic way - about the mistakes that were made, and how to do better next time.

How Master Class programs improve customer service and increase sales

Profile picture for user FidelR

Good teamwork implies that everybody can learn from his or her teammates, jointly creating and delivering an extraordinary service to our clients. That’s why Transcom San Fernando has developed training programs where the best agents in terms of performance can share their experiences with all colleagues so that they won’t just achieve their objectives, but also reach higher sales figures: “We know that you are good, but we also know you can be better! That is why we have prepared the… Master class!!!”

Innovative teamwork in Transcom San Fernando provides business intelligence to telecom client

Profile picture for user FidelR

There are few markets as competitive as the Spanish telecom sector. To point this out; from January to May 2013, more than 2.9 million of mobile portabilities took place in a 55 million active mobile lines market, which means a portability of 5.65%. In addition, if it has always been important to build customer loyalty and retain existing customers, the current financial situation has made customer loyalty a high priority issue for telecom companies. Especially as the decrease in mobile lines is a new reality that mobile operators have to face.

The Wall of Transcom San Fernando

Profile picture for user FidelR

In any business, customer care is one of the "hot spots" of interaction with your target audience. It usually occurs when a customer or potential customer needs to solve a problem or has questions regarding a product or a service. It is usually a critical moment in terms of opportunity and risk; opportunity if we think about building customer loyalty, and risk because the customer might leave if he of she does not find the expected answer.