How personalized services can improve the customer experience in a new Smart Digital Ecosystem
Customer Experience is a pervasive question that extends into the world of Contact Centers. Today it is vital for services offered to satisfy the needs of increasingly attentive, demanding and ‘social’ users.
Contact Centers must therefore be seen in a broader perspective than the one used in traditional approaches. This requires companies to make an organizational effort to deepen the partnership between Client and Contact Center, as they both are dependent on technology in order to implement their shared strategy.
How video tutorials improve customer experience and cut costs
For the last five years, Transcom Germany has been working with a leading satellite navigation brand, offering first and second level technical assistance to drivers who buy a GPS unit. When they have trouble updating the software or other installation or usage issues, users contact our team of technical specialists at the Transcom site in Halle, Germany.
The Chat Experience that affects both business results and customer service
In an ever more competitive market, adopting advanced relationship strategies with customers represents a differentiating factor and an effective way to create a sustainable, long-term competitive edge. In this scenario, retaining customers is increasingly difficult because they are bombarded daily by often very effective marketing communications. That is why we need to turn to the latest new business models, which are increasingly directed at enhancing the customer experience.
LeonarDo @ work – Transcom pilot projects to improve Customer Experience
In recent years, continuous transformation, evolving technology and huge social media growth have exponentially increased customers' influence over your brand and radically modified the way that companies do business. Recently, “Customer Experience” has been defined as “how your customers perceive their interactions with your company as a whole” (cit. Manning and Bodyne). This means that the customer experience is determined by each of the touch-points through which the customer interacts with the company.
Official opening of “LeonarDo 2.0.14” – a new research and innovation center for Customer Experience
In March, Transcom Italy presented its new Research and Innovation Center for Customer Experience to the press and the local authorities. The center is located in L’Aquila and set up jointly as a partnership with L’Aquila University and local contact center company Elleacall.
PMO en Transcom: la INNOVACIÓN como elemento diferenciador para el Cliente
La tendencia natural de las empresas es asumir la ejecución de la totalidad de tareas que implica su negocio, e históricamente (la mayor parte de ellas) así lo realizaban. Sin embargo, en las últimas décadas, la velocidad de aparición de nuevas tecnologías y medios para ejecutar ciertas tareas ha hecho que las empresas no puedan adaptarse a las necesidades de forma independiente, por lo que, para alcanzar el grado de especialización necesario sin afrontar costes elevados, requieren de empresas terceras en las que confiar ciertas tareas/áreas/servicios.
Transcom honored at Frost & Sullivan's Best Practices Awards in London
Following April’s announcement that Transcom received the Frost & Sullivan 2015 Visionary Innovation Leadership Award in Europe, we had been invited to attend the “2015 Gr
Transcom reconocido por su innovación en el mercado de outsourcing
Tras el reconocimiento que Frost & Sullivan le otorgó a Transcom Perú el año pasado y el concedido en 2013 a Transcom Filipinas en la misma categoría, la compañía recibe ahora el Premio al Liderazgo en Innovación Visionaria 2015 en Europa.
Evolving consumers and contact channels: Transcom interprets change to guide its clients
Access to new means of communication has revolutionized the way businesses interact with customers. From the traditional Facebook, Twitter and Tripadvisor, to the more theme-based Pinterest, Foursquare and Gogobot, consumers are increasingly interested in developing a rapid and loyal relationship with brands that they can influence through their needs and behavior. Therefore, more and more companies turn to these channels and invest a larger portion of their communications budget in them.
Delivering the best customer experience through social media channels
At Transcom Isla Sicilia in Spain, our social media customer service team just celebrated its second anniversary. The department’s main priority is to monitor and address all queries and mentions regarding our clients that customers communicate on platforms as Twitter and Facebook. We interact with the active social media users which submit all kind of questions: ranging from queries about products and services, to specific suggestions or claims to which we offer personalized attention. The priority is to listen to the users, help them, and build a trustworthy relationship.