Transcom announces “LeonarDo 2.0.14” – a research and innovation program to improve the customer care process

Profile picture for user RobertoB

Transcom has decided to invest in a new research and development project called “Smart Digital Ecosystem for Customer Experience Enhancement”. For simplicity’s sake we’ve renamed the project “LeonarDo 2.0.14”, combining the year of the initiative’s launch with the 2.0 that symbolizes the Digital age we live in.


Listening workshops at Transcom San Fernando improve customer experience

Profile picture for user FidelR

Inspired by the quote “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak, Transcom San Fernando decided to organize “Listening workshops” for our agents. The main purpose with our workshops was to create a training process whereby the team could learn - in a positive and dynamic way - about the mistakes that were made, and how to do better next time.

Nuevas formas de conectar con los clientes

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Se puede discutir acerca del ritmo o de los elementos concretos que tendrán más o menos preponderancia en la atención al cliente del siglo XXI, pero ya nadie discute el innegable hecho de que el sector de Contact Center va a tener que adaptarse a una nueva forma de interaccionar con los consumidores. Hoy me gustaría poner el acento en dos de esos cambios que nos afectarán.

Boosting sales through database management

Profile picture for user AgustinR

At Transcom Isla Sicilia we set ambitious targets for 2013 in terms of improving productivity and efficiency in the handling of sales campaigns, to help us achieve better results, and consequently lower campaign costs for our clients. To achieve these improvements, we are always working with agents in areas such as motivation, training, and calibration of sales arguments. But there is another significant part of the project that we have identified as being decisive in improving our results: Database management efficiency, in order to get the most out of the data.

Welcome to Transcom Virtual Training

Profile picture for user KeithS

In this day and age, every business relies to a greater and greater extent on computers to make the wheels turn smoothly - from the spreadsheet you use to create your reports, to the online web conferencing software you use to meet despite being hundreds of miles apart. As with everything that evolved alongside technology, training employees and sharing knowledge has also transformed into something that is no longer bound by what you can physically see, hear or touch.